This is from the Israel Experience Update sent to our families. You can register for these emails since I cannot always get to a computer to send emails (HINT, HINT I don't yet have my own notebook computer as everyone else does and it does hamper my ability to communicate more often..HINT, HINT, Mom....)
Just go to this link http://visitor.constantcontact.com/email.jsp?m=1101370266330 scroll down and enter your email and you will get the general info about what my program and other participants are involved with.
"As mentioned last week, this is a time in Israel when not much gets done due to the intense and long period of Holidays. We are in the midst of Hol Hamoed Succot, coming up to Simchat Torah and as I mentioned last week, for most of our chanichim, this is their opportunity to experience the unique feeling, only in Israel of the chagim. It was a new experience for many to see that on almost every balcony and every small building garden a succa was put up. It can almost be compared to Christmas lights abroad. Some chanichim were invited to their building succa for a meal, some went to their local Succot festivals, selling decorations and "arba'at haminim"- lulav, etrog, myrtle and willow. It is a tradition every year for Year Coursers to go up to Tzfat for Simchat Torah and spend this exciting holiday with a welcoming communiand see a different way of celebrating."
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